Ingen komedi, men inte helt tragiskt...
It will follow the rain...
Hey professor, profesor please, I'm not a student I'm meant to be an artist
I've seen you around I can tell that you're just like me, you'd rather watch reruns than deal with the bad spin-off called life
Inspelningar från Way Out West 2010
A song for someone who needs somewhere to long for
Gröna Lund 2011!
Vad vill du se?
Men jag minns inte orden...
Watch her move in elliptical patterns...
Aldrig, aldrig ensam, alltid ensam här
With my hopes so high I don’t know what I’m after, it feels like such a disaster
I pet every dog I see, I say hello to every cat I meet, yet still I feel incomplete
Learn to love a thriller so the words you leave me on my pillow read better
Ställer mig i hallen tills jag fattar vad som hänt, får jag ens ha kvar dig som min vän?
Godmorgon, varför inte börja dagen med det här?
(ingen uppdatering igår pga valborgsfirande, men idag ska jag göra mitt bästa.)
Cause there´s something else, something bright and pure, something that you´ve never felt before
No you girls never know how you make a boy feel
But you won't hear from the messenger, don't wanna know bout something that you don't understand
I could love you for a day but then i'd hate you for a week
Du kan skratta och låtsas som ingenting, men jag vet allt om dig för du har varit min
Lite av en favorit från nya plattan: Veronica Maggio – Inga kläder